NEWS (18 November 2011):
"Division Algebras, Lattices, Physics, Windmill Tilting",
a manuscript of 17 years of research since the publication of the first book,
now available on Amazon (USA sales).
A possible international sales link. However,
there are now a number of countries whose Amazon sites (or Borders) claim to be
able to sell the book. If you have tried and failed to purchase, please email me at: gdixon@7stones.com
Half of this volume is devoted to relationships of the division algebras to lattice theory;
half of the material extends and illuminates the material in book 1 concerning the algebra T,
and the role it is maintained it plays in the "Algebraic Design of Physics";
and the remaining third ; ) of this new volume is lattice related numerology,
as well as some history, and opinion.
NEWS (17 May 2005):
"Division Algebras: Octonions, Quaternions,
Complex Numbers,
and the Algebraic Design of Physics"
is now published by Springer (which recently bought Kluwer). This link works as of 2005.05.17.

Some articles - open source mathematics and physics:
- 2013 pdf:
Seeable Matter; Unseeable Antimatter
A version of this idea that was presented at a conference in 2013.
- 2012 pdf:
Matter Universe: Message in the Mathematics
T explains why our universe is composed of matter at the expense of anti-matter. Modified: 2012.09.24
(First ever paper rejected by hep-th. Well well. I must endeavor to be less flippant in future.
But this is a really nice idea - and since I believe it's right, it's the most important paper I've
had on here in 20 years.)
- 2012 pdf:
Division algebras, Clifford algebras, and periodicity.
Thoughts on periodicities of order 2, 4, 8 and 24. Modified: 2012.04.02
- 2010 pdf:
Division algebras as spinors; idempotents; symmetries; particles; interactions.
Lengthy version of T maths, spinors, idempotents, and physics, arising
from discussions at a recent conference in Denver. Best yet, in many ways. Modified: 2009.07.28
- 2009 pdf:
A triple product generalization for the complex algebra C,
and I hope a firmer step to accomplishing what I set out to investigate
in the incomplete paper below. Modified: 2010.02.07
- 2008 pdf:
A rapidly evolving search for a triple product for 24-space,
and I believe the most important idea presented here in 3 years. Modified: 2010.05.21
- 2007 pdf:
Order 8 and order 24 lattice periodicity. - not deep, probably not original,
but ...
- 2007 pdf:
A short look at the split octonions and associated Lie algebras.
- 2007 pdf:
Why is T complex?
- 2006 pdf:
Advocacy of thinking differently: flame on!
- 2005 pdf:
Mathematics and the Multiverse - Musings. Modified: 2005.08.16.
- 2004 pdf:
Division Algebras: Family Replication - Appeared in J. of Math. Physics, October 2004.
C ⊗ H2 ⊗ O3 accounts for the Standard model, leptoquark family
structure, AND family replication. Modified: 2004.04.18.
- 2005 pdf:
Integral Octonions and the Octonion XY-Product and more (a work in progress) - Last modified 2009.12.02.
- 2003 pdf:
Leptoquark Interfamily Mixing from Division Algebras
- 2003 pdf:
Parity Nonconservation from Division Algebras
Continuing development of multifamily model based on
C x H2 x O3,
we find an algebraic origin for parity nonconservation.
- 2002 pdf:
Division Algebras: Family Replication - Earlier version of the
C ⊗ H2 ⊗ O3 replaced above.
- 1999 pdf:
Algebraic Spinor Reduction Yields the Standard Symmetry and Family Structure
- 2000 pdf:
Tensored Division Algebras: Resolutions of the Identity and Particle Physics
- 'A Fire in the Night' has been removed to avoid its being any longer misinterpreted.
- 1995 pdf:
Lattice Fibrations - Old paper, but one of my favorite pretty ideas.
version of John Baez's -
Octonion review article
- Chris Barton's -
Magic Squares of Lie Algebras
Some related sites.
7Octo: Octonion Calculator
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